December 2022 WRASAP Network Quarterly Meeting


Event Date


Join us for the Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP) Network Quarterly Meeting 

Thursday, December 8, 2022 1:00PM PST | 2:00PM MST | 3:00PM CST | 4:00PM EST 

This is a 90 minute networking event. Please share with your networks.


High levels of stress are present in agricultural communities. Unstable finances, the pressure of multigenerational farm lineage, injury, chronic illness, harsh weather conditions, and more recently stressors associated with COVID-19 are among the challenges producers face daily. The WRASAP network of partners believes that the unique needs of agricultural communities must be addressed. This is done through communication and collaboration with partners across the Western region to offer education, support in navigating resources, and funding opportunities for agricultural communities.  


Clinton Wilson is a native of rural Texas who has always had great appreciation for people working in agriculture. After receiving his MA in Counseling Psychology, Clinton spent most of his career working for social-service non-profits in the Pacific Northwest. He and his family relocated to Fort Collins, Colorado in 2017 where he supported local farmers and ranchers through his role as the Executive Director of Poudre Valley Community Farms; a farmland cooperative assisting with land access for local producers. In Dec 2021 Clinton took the position of program director for AgWell, a project of Rocky Mountain Farmers Union that supports the well-being of farmers, ranchers, ag workers, and their families in Colorado, NM, and Wy. Clinton is passionate about creating a more connected, community-focused, collaborative, and robust support system for the agricultural community in the Rocky Mountain Region and beyond.  


In this presentation, Building Community, Collaborations, and Trust, Clinton will discuss the ways in which we can model the community that we want to help grow in agriculture communities, and how collaborative synergy creates a greater impact than the sum of the individual work. He will also be discussing the importance of building relationships with and within our agriculture communities. 


Intended Audience: WRASAP lead agencies; WRASAP collaborating organizations; any agency/health provider/program providing services to producers (agricultural farmers, ranchers, workers, business owners, and non-industrial private forest owners and managers) and their families in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.   


Register here to join this free webinar. The last day to register is Wednesday, December 7, 2022; all registrants will receive connection information upon registration submission.  



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