COMET Regional Trainer Workshop

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Recognizing that mental health functions on a spectrum, COMET™ (Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory) is a community-based intervention to activate community members and provide them with language, tools and confidence to intervene when they notice someone around them is unwell – and before crisis occurs. COMET™ helps fill a gap and is a strong complement to other strategies to reduce the suffering resulting from the high levels of stress in rural, agricultural communities. COMET™ aligns with rural cultural values of neighbor helping neighbor and communities being their own best resource.

The Regional Trainer Workshop trains local community members as Regional COMET Trainers, who are equipped to deliver the COMET Community Training in their own communities and networks. The Train the Trainer requires a $175 fee for certification. The Zoom link for the virtual training will be sent to your email within 2-5 business days after registering through EventBrite.


3.5-hour virtual training includes:

  • Experiential and didactic sections
  • Background information, key concepts, COMET Community Training, and basic teaching tips
  • Identifies opportunities for local tailoring


Cancellation Policy:

The High Plains Research Network (HPRN) reserves the right to cancel any COMET training prior to the course start date (for example, in the event that minimum enrollment for the course is not met). In the event a class is cancelled, we will immediately notify registered attendees via email. Registered attendees will have the option to reschedule for a later date or request a full refund if HPRN cancels the training.

If a registered attendee cannot attend the Train the Trainer event and needs to cancel their registration, they have the option to reschedule their training date or request a partial refund, as follows:

- Refund requested 7 days or more before the Train the Trainer: Full refund minus $13.35 in EventBrite fees or reschedule for future training date

- Refund requested within 7 days of the Train the Trainer: 50% refund or reschedule for future training date

If a registered attendee chooses to reschedule their training, they must reschedule within 12 months of the original Train the Trainer event date.


Click here for more information and registration



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